
ENCR e-learning modules on Cancer Coding

The European Network of Cancer Registries and the Joint Research Centre of the European Commission, in collaboration with eCancer, have developed six online modules for e-learning for cancer registrars. The modules aim to facilitate the training of cancer registrars in coding topography, morphology and cancer stage, implementing the relevant international classifications. The topics include introduction to coding topography, morphology and stage, and focus on selected cancer diagnoses, considered more challenging for cancer registrars - haematological malignancies, tumours of the central nervous system, lung cancer, neuroendocrine neoplasms. The e-learning mode allows for self-paced training at the most convenient time, navigation through the content of the lessons, using subtitles, and taking a quiz for obtaining a certificate. The modules are accredited and are accessible here: https://ecancer.org/en/elearning/course/46-coding-a-cancer-case-topography-morphology-and-stage