JRC-ENCR Management Committee

The JRC-ENCR Management Committee has been established in 2022 to coordinate the collaboration between the Joint Research Centre (JRC) of the European Commission and the European Network of Cancer Registries (ENCR)-affiliated members, aimed at further developing and maintaining the European Cancer Information System (ECIS) as the source to quantify cancer burden across Europe.

The JRC and the ENCR promote harmonisation of cancer registries' data, as the input source for the assessment of cancer burden in Europe. The JRC supports the ENCR in the harmonisation of data and registration processes to strengthen the basis for monitoring the cancer burden. Building on the ENCR-affiliated registry data and cooperation, the JRC has developed and maintains the ECIS web site, which provides statistical indicators on temporal and geographic cancer trends in European countries.

To support European-level coordination of the ENCR activities, the newly established JRC-ENCR Management Committee consists of members of the ENCR Steering Committee, plus two representatives from the JRC. Besides preparing and taking decisions on the JRC-ENCR activities regulated by the Collaboration Agreement between the JRC and the ENCR registries, the Committee decides on membership criteria, on the setting-up of workshops and working groups, and on applications for specific scientific projects and studies regarding protocol, data and authorship. The JRC-ENCR Management Committee establishes policies and adopts its own documents, supports and collaborates with the JRC for all the ECIS activities.

Decisions of the JRC-ENCR Management Committee are taken by consensus.