Training on Statistical Methods for Analysis of Cancer Registry Data, Ispra, 5-6 Jun 2018

Training Statistical Methods
The European Commission Joint Research Centre (JRC), the ENCR and EUROCARE organised a training on basic statistical analysis of cancer registry data from 5-6 June 2018 at the JRC Ispra, Italy.

The aim of this course was to support the analysis of cancer registry data by describing the appropriate statistical methods to generate informative statistics on cancer incidence and survival. The course provided a package with material and code in Stata/SAS to understand and calculate basic incidence and survival rates and will also demonstrate the utility of the European Cancer Information System (ECIS) to visualise and compare European-wide data from registries.
The course was intended for new cancer registry staff or professionals linked to cancer registration who wish to expand their understanding of the concepts in cancer registry data analysis, interpretation and dissemination.


Download here the final agenda.

For more information please contact the ENCR Secretariat at